The Versatile Blogger Award


Hi everyone! Thank you for reading. I was graciously nominated by the wonderful blog Beauty Banter for the Versatile Blogger Award! Please do check out her blog as she has a lot of great content, including skincare and makeup!

The Rules:

  1. Thank the person who gave you this award. Include a link to their blog.
  2. Nominate 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
  3. Finally, share 7 things about yourself.

Facts about me:

  1. I am in the mental health field – I am currently in a Master’s program for Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I have a year left.
  2. I never thought I’d love makeup and skincare, as I use to be a tomboy. I grew up with boys so I was never really into makeup and all that. The first time I really started using eyeliner is when I was 20, and foundation when I was 23, I think that says a lot!
  3. My goal is to work with adolescents who are struggling with substance abuse and ODD, bipolar, borderline personality. My other goal is to work with ex-offenders who are coming out of prison. My third goal is to work with adults who have psychotic disorders; schizophrenia, antisocial. There are so many areas in mental health, that I can really do so many things.
  4. My favorite product to review on my blog is foundation and skincare.
  5. I love face masks – I use them 5 times a week.
  6. My toes are never bare.. I feel weird when they’re not painted.
  7. I am an ambivert; half introvert, half extrovert. I am adaptable.. can be very outgoing but enjoy alone time when it’s needed.

So, those are some facts about me. I hope you enjoyed them and I didn’t bore you!

My Nominees:










These are my nominees; they may not all be new but they have some great content that is worth checking out anyway!



8 thoughts on “The Versatile Blogger Award

  1. marebare71234 says:

    Aww, I loved reading your answers! I love getting to know everyone! I wish you much luck in the field. Pamper yourself a lot, because it’s very stressful. I’m not trying to dissuade you in any way. You’re very special to take on such a challenging field!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. beautyonabudget94 says:

    It was so nice to read a little bit more about you 🙂 I’m such a face mask as well hahah 😛 To begind with I wasn’t that into beauty in general, but I think my sister might have lured me into the beauty world 😀 Thank you again for the nomination ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Katey says:

    I just nominated you for the versatile blogger award, but if you don’t want to do it again, don’t worry!! It was great learning more about you. You have some great goals 🙂


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